Results for 'Vincenzo Di Mino'

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  1.  70
    Subjetividade e cultura em Freud: resson'ncias no ‘mal-estar’ contempor'neo.Vincenzo Di Matteo - 2007 - Discurso 36:193-216.
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    Cognitive Deficits and White Matter Alterations in Highly Trained Scuba Divers.Marinella Coco, Andrea Buscemi, Valentina Perciavalle, Tiziana Maci, Gianluca Galvano, Antonio M. F. Scavone, Vincenzo Perciavalle & Donatella Di Corrado - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Tradurre il metodo tra metafisica e teologia. Alberto Magno lettore di Avicenna in Summa theologiae, I, q. V, cap. 3.Silvia Di Vincenzo - 2023 - Bulletin de Philosophie Medievale 65:219-245.
    Starting from the 13th century, the question of defining theology as a science gained prominence within a new epistemological reflection on the discipline. It has been hypothesized that the availability of new translations of Aristotelian works significantly contributed to the growing interest among theologians in the theory of science. One of the most prominent intellectuals who recognized the necessity of defining theology as a science and outlining its boundaries and investigative methods in relation to other disciplines, was Albert the Great (...)
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  4. Vincenzo Filippone-Thaulero e la rivelazione dell'Origine.di Vincenzo Di Marco - 2018 - In Vincenzo Di Marco, Aldo Marroni & Vincenzo Filippone Thaulero (eds.), L'arte di fronte all'origine. Verona: Ombre corte.
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    “A discipline or part of a discipline”: logic on the border of metaphysics and psychology in Avicenna’s Kitāb al-Šifāʾ.Silvia Di Vincenzo - 2022 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 32 (4):725-744.
    Avicenna’s ground-breaking view of logic as both a tool for other sciences and a science in its own right has already attracted scholars’ attention and has been studied in several different respects. The present paper aims to address a specific issue entailed by considering logic as a science in its own right: that is, assessing the relation in which logic as a science stands to the other sciences, and particularly to metaphysics and psychology. The inquiry will focus on a fundamental, (...)
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    Günther Anders: l'incubo della bomba atomica.Vincenzo Di Marco - 2017 - Villa Verucchio (RN): Pazzini editore.
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  7. La danza de la marioneta y el autómata : apuntes para la reflexión acerca de la tecnología.José A. Gómez Di Vincenzo - 2018 - In Héctor A. Palma (ed.), Conexiones y fronteras: desafíos filosóficos de las ciencias sociales en el siglo XXI. Buenos Aires: Editorial Biblos.
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    Sul codice L ε l’elena di euripide.Vincenzo Di Benedetto - 1964 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 108 (1-2):138-140.
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    L'arte di fronte all'origine.Vincenzo Di Marco, Aldo Marroni & Vincenzo Filippone Thaulero (eds.) - 2018 - Verona: Ombre corte.
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  10.  24
    Letters to a Young Therapist: Relational Practices for the Coming Community.Vincenzo Di Nicola - 2011 - New York, USA: Atropos Press.
    In these seven letters, practising psychiatrist Vincenzo Di Nicola offers wisdom to a young therapist from 25 years of experience conducting relational therapy. Ranging from what to read and how to begin therapy, the letters cover therapeutic temperaments and technique, how to create a relational dialogue, the myths of individual psychology and the need for relational psychology, the evolution of therapy in the past century and when therapy is over-all the while looking forward to the relational practices of the (...)
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  11. Avicenna, Book of the Healing, Isagoge ("Madhal").Silvia di Vincenzo - 2018 - Dissertation, Scuola Normale Superiore
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  12.  31
    Early exegetical practice on Avicenna's Šifāʾ: Faḫr al-dīn al-Rāzī’s Marginalia to logic.Silvia Di Vincenzo - 2018 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 28 (1):31-66.
    Nine manuscripts preserving Avicenna's Kitāb al-Šifāʾ share a set of identical marginal glosses to the section of Logic. One of these manuscripts reports, at the end of each of the glosses, a certificate of transmission ascribing them to the theologian and philosopher Faḫr al-Dīn al-Rāzī (d. 606H/1210), which provides some material evidence of the existence of a flourishing exegetical activity on the Kitāb al-Šifāʾ during the twelfth-thirteenth century, in spite of the apparent lack of commentaries on the text in that (...)
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  13.  37
    Intorno al linguaggio erotico di Saffo.Vincenzo Di Benedetto - 1985 - Hermes 113 (2):145-156.
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    Avicenna, ›The Healing, Logic: Isagoge‹ A New Edition, English Translation and Commentary of the Kitāb al-Madḫal of Avicenna’s Kitāb al-Šifāʾ.Silvia Di Vincenzo - 2021 - Berlino, Germania: De Gruyter. Edited by Silvia Di Vincenzo.
    The series is devoted to the study of scientific and philosophical texts from the Classical and the Islamic world handed down in Arabic. Through critical text editions and monographs, it provides access to ancient scientific inquiry as it developed in a continuous tradition from Antiquity to the modern period. All editions are accompanied by translations and philological and explanatory notes.
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  15.  12
    Introduction. The nature of the auditory object and its specific status as an object of perception.Elvira Di Bona & Vincenzo Santarcangelo - 2017 - Rivista di Estetica 66:3-7.
    The aim of this special issue of Rivista di Estetica is to investigate the nature of the auditory object and its specific status as an object of perception. The investigation was carried out using different methodologies: 1) focusing on the auditory object in relation to its metaphysical dimension; 2) working on the comparison between auditory and visual perception; 3) finding similarities and differences between auditory and musical objects; and, finally, 4) focusing exclusively on the speci...
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  16.  34
    Stile orale e intervento del tachigrafo nel de sacramentis di Ambrogio di Milano.Vincenzo Di Muro - 2000 - Augustinianum 40 (2):407-430.
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    Metafísica E metapsicologia em confronto: Aristóteles E lacan no seminário VII.Vincenzo Di Matteo - 2007 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 19 (24):111.
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    The Missing Logic: Traces of a Lost Book on Hypothetical Syllogistic in avicenna's Risāla Mūǧaza Fī Uṣūl Al-Manṭiq.Silvia Di Vincenzo - 2023 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 33 (1):55-81.
    RésuméLes oeuvres existantes d’Avicenne préservent-elles une trace de sa première production philosophique, aujourd’hui perdue? Cet article examine un texte jusqu’ici négligé, à savoir le chapitre « Sur les propositions hypothétiques » du « Traité concis sur les principes de la logique d’Avicenne » (Risāla mūǧaza fī uṣūl al-manṭiq, ci-après RM). Les nouveaux éléments offerts par le chapitre du RM en question conduiront à une lecture différente d’un autre passage bien connu de la réélaboration avicennienne des Analytiques premiers (Qiyās) d’Aristote dans (...)
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  19.  3
    Storia della filosofia in Sicilia da' tempi antichi al sec. XIX. Libri quattro.Vincenzo Di Giovanni - 1968 - Bologna,: Forni.
    This is a reproduction of the original artefact. Generally these books are created from careful scans of the original. This allows us to preserve the book accurately and present it in the way the author intended. Since the original versions are generally quite old, there may occasionally be certain imperfections within these reproductions. We're happy to make these classics available again for future generations to enjoy!
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  20.  6
    Emulation, imitation and Social Creation of Cultural Information.Laura Desirèe Di Paolo & Fabio Di Vincenzo - 2018 - In Laura Desirèe Di Paolo, Fabio Di Vincenzo & Francesca De Petrillo (eds.), Evolution of Primate Social Cognition. Springer Verlag. pp. 267-282.
    The creation of cultural information by humans is an ability that requires to compound together different factors. Although information needs to be transmitted faithfully enough so to prevent errors, space must be left to create innovations at the same time. -/- Individual trial and error is the principal source of innovations among all primate species, especially in emulative contexts, but it does not explain the quantity, quality or rapidity of human cultural production. On the other hand, imitation and (over)imitation explain (...)
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  21.  10
    Dottrina della scienza e genesi della filosofia della storia nel primo Fichte.Giannino Vincenzo Di Tommaso - 1986 - L'Aquila: L.U. Japadre. Edited by Johann Gottlieb Fichte.
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  22.  25
    Evolution of Primate Social Cognition.Laura Desirèe Di Paolo, Fabio Di Vincenzo & Francesca De Petrillo (eds.) - 2018 - Springer Verlag.
    This interdisciplinary volume brings together expert researchers coming from primatology, anthropology, ethology, philosophy of cognitive sciences, neurophysiology, mathematics and psychology to discuss both the foundations of non-human primate and human social cognition as well as the means there currently exist to study the various facets of social cognition. The first part focusses on various aspects of social cognition across primates, from the relationship between food and social behaviour to the connection with empathy and communication, offering a multitude of innovative approaches (...)
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    EEG-Based Index for Timely Detecting User’s Drowsiness Occurrence in Automotive Applications.Gianluca Di Flumeri, Vincenzo Ronca, Andrea Giorgi, Alessia Vozzi, Pietro Aricò, Nicolina Sciaraffa, Hong Zeng, Guojun Dai, Wanzeng Kong, Fabio Babiloni & Gianluca Borghini - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Human errors are widely considered among the major causes of road accidents. Furthermore, it is estimated that more than 90% of vehicle crashes causing fatal and permanent injuries are directly related to mental tiredness, fatigue, and drowsiness of the drivers. In particular, driving drowsiness is recognized as a crucial aspect in the context of road safety, since drowsy drivers can suddenly lose control of the car. Moreover, the driving drowsiness episodes mostly appear suddenly without any prior behavioral evidence. The present (...)
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  24.  22
    Avicenna, Book of the Healing, Isagoge (“Madḫal”) : Edition of the Arabic text, English translation and Commentary.Silvia Di Vincenzo - 2018 - Dissertation, Scuola Normale Superiore
    The thesis deals with a section of the major philosophical summa by Avicenna (Ibn Sīnā, d. 1037), namely the Book of the Healing (Kitāb al-Šifāʾ). The summa is structured into four parts, devoted to Logic, Natural Philosophy, Mathematics and Metaphysics; the section at stake is Avicenna’s reworking of Porphyry’s Isagoge (Kitāb al-Madḫal, i.e. “Book of the Introduction”) opening the section of Logic of the Šifāʾ. The thesis is articulated into three main parts, namely (i) an edition of the Arabic text (...)
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  25. Heidegger e Freud: clareira e cegueira?Vincenzo di Matteo - 2003 - Princípios 10 (13):09-21.
  26.  11
    Nietzsche e Freud: pensadores da modernidade.Vincenzo Di Matteo - 2011 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 23 (33):269.
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    El joven Marx y la libertad. A propósito de los debates sobre la libertad de prensa.Esteban Dominguez Di Vincenzo - 2023 - Praxis Filosófica 57:e20512542.
    En este artículo propongo una aproximación al problema de la libertad en Karl Marx por medio de una lectura de “Los debates sobre la libertad de prensa y la publicación de los debates de la Dieta”, publicado en la Rheinische Zeitung en la primavera de 1842. En un primer momento, presentaré el contexto intelectual en el que se desarrolla este escrito señalando la herencia ilustrada del joven Marx. En un segundo momento, reconstruiré la posición de Marx frente a la libertad (...)
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  28. Fondamenti E Filosofia Della Fisica Atti Del Convegno Cesena-Urbino, 26-29 Settembre 1994.Vincenzo Fano, Lettere E. Arti Italy) Accademia di Scienze & Cesena - 1996 - Il Ponte Vecchio.
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    Heidegger E a psicanálise: Uma conversa em sicília.Vincenzo di Matteo - 2005 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 17 (20):185.
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  30. Il pensiero politico di Vincenzo Gioberti.Vincenzo Gioberti - 1941 - Milano,: Istituto per gli studi di politica internazionale. Edited by Vecchietti, Tullio & [From Old Catalog].
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  31.  10
    An Evolutionary Perspective on Primate Social Cognition.Francesca De Petrillo, Fabio Di Vincenzo & Laura D. Di Paolo (eds.) - 2018 - Springer.
    The Machiavellian intelligence hypothesis and the social brain hypothesis have revolutionized traditional views on how primate cognition can be studied. Beyond the study of individual problem-solving capacities of various primates, these hypotheses have demonstrated the close relationship between the complexity of primate social life and the emergence of more sophisticated cognitive skills. The social brain hypothesis demonstrated the existence of a close correlation between the volume of the neocortex and the number of individuals in primate social groups. The amount of (...)
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  32.  10
    Vincenzo di Blasi, autor contestatario y filógino en la Querella de las Mujeres en Italia, y su respuesta a las teorías misóginas de Aristóteles.Giuliana Antonella Giacobbe - 2023 - Ingenium. Revista Electrónica de Pensamiento Moderno y Metodología En Historia de Las Ideas 17:77-82.
    El objetivo del presente artículo se centra en la labor contestataria y filógina del escritor siciliano Vincenzo di Blasi en relación con las teorías misóginas de Aristóteles expuestas en sus obras _La reproducción de los animales _y _Política, _ambas escritas en el siglo IV a.C_._ El artículo se abre con una introducción sobre los estudios que se han emprendido sobre las definiciones aristotélicas de la mujer para definir un marco teórico de partida. Posteriormente, se exponen de manera contrastada las (...)
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  33.  63
    The Multiplex Dependency Structure of Financial Markets.Nicolò Musmeci, Vincenzo Nicosia, Tomaso Aste, Tiziana Di Matteo & Vito Latora - 2017 - Complexity:1-13.
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    Il latino e i cristiani. Un bilancio all’inizio del terzo millennio, a cura di Enrico dal Covolo, Manlio Sodi. [REVIEW]Vincenzo Di Muro - 2002 - Augustinianum 42 (2):514-517.
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  35.  16
    Logica ed esperienza: studi in ricordo di Leo Lugarini.Giuseppe Cantillo, Giannino V. Di Tommaso, Vincenzo Vitiello & Leo Lugarini (eds.) - 2008 - Napoli: Bibliopolis.
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    Avicenna's Theory of Science: Logic, Metaphysics, Epistemology. By RiccardoStrobino. Oakland: University of California Press, 2021. Pp. xvi, 428. $95.00. [REVIEW]Silvia Di Vincenzo - 2022 - Heythrop Journal 63 (6):1200-1201.
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  37.  15
    Evaluation of a New Lightweight EEG Technology for Translational Applications of Passive Brain-Computer Interfaces.Nicolina Sciaraffa, Gianluca Di Flumeri, Daniele Germano, Andrea Giorgi, Antonio Di Florio, Gianluca Borghini, Alessia Vozzi, Vincenzo Ronca, Fabio Babiloni & Pietro Aricò - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Technologies like passive brain-computer interfaces can enhance human-machine interaction. Anyhow, there are still shortcomings in terms of easiness of use, reliability, and generalizability that prevent passive-BCI from entering real-life situations. The current work aimed to technologically and methodologically design a new gel-free passive-BCI system for out-of-the-lab employment. The choice of the water-based electrodes and the design of a new lightweight headset met the need for easy-to-wear, comfortable, and highly acceptable technology. The proposed system showed high reliability in both laboratory and (...)
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    Edizione Nazionale delle opere edite e inedite di Vincenzo Gioberti: Del bello - 1939.Vincenzo Gioberti & Enrico Castelli - 1939 - Bocca.
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  39.  6
    A filosofia no Recife: ontem e hoje.Alfredo Moraes & Vincenzo Di Matteo (eds.) - 2006 - Olinda, PE: Editora Livro Rápido.
  40.  47
    Light Has Been Thrown (on Human Origins): a Brief History of Palaeoanthropology, with Notes on the "Punctuated" Origin of Homo Sapiens.Giorgio Manzi & Fabio Di Vincenzo - 2013 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 6 (2):31-48.
    “Light will be thrown on the origin of man and his history”: this was the single line that Charles Darwin devoted to human evolution in the Origin of Species (1859). At present, there is a number of extinct species, which we understand to be related to human evolution, demonstrating that the Darwin’s prediction was correct: light has been thrown, indeed. Moreover, the science of human origin (or palaeoanthropology) appears to be able to shed much light not only on the natural (...)
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  41.  12
    La vita come ricerca, la vita come arte, la vita come amore: documenti e testimonianze degli studi e del pensiero di Vincenzo Pirro (1970-2009).Vincenzo Pirro & Hervé A. Cavallera (eds.) - 2016 - Terni: Morphema editrice.
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  42.  11
    La ›Kompendienliteratur‹ Nella Scuola di Epicuro: Forme, Funzioni, Contesto.Vincenzo Damiani - 2021 - De Gruyter.
    Across several texts, Epicurus memorably and accessibly summarizes his doctrines. This study systematically analyzes Epicurus’ acts of summary, thereby closing a long-standing scholarly lacuna. To this end, a review of existing research is followed by an analysis of the terminology used in antiquity to designate philosophical and scientific compendia. The Epicurean sources are then surveyed chronologically. In two further chapters, Epicurean compendia are discussed in the broader context of ancient philosophical summaries. Their patterns of genre are illuminated not only on (...)
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  43. (1 other version)Vita di Giordano Bruno.Vincenzo Spampanato - 1921 - Messina,: G. Principato.
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  44. (1 other version)La sapienza di Pitagora..Vincenzo Capparelli - 1941 - Padova,: CEDAM, Casa editrice dott. A. Milani.
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  45.  13
    Incontro italo-tedesco di filosofia analitica.Vincenzo Latronico - 2008 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 63 (1).
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  46.  18
    La filosofia dell'evidenza. Saggio sull'epistemologia di Franz Brentano.Vincenzo Fano - 1993 - CLUEB.
  47.  4
    Considerazioni sopra le dottrine religiose di Vittorio Cousin: per servir di appendice alla Introduzione allo studio della filosofia.Vincenzo Gioberti - 1975 - Padova: CEDAM. Edited by Vincenzo Gioberti.
    Excerpt from Considerazioni Sopra le Dottrine Religiose di Vittorio Cousin, per Servir di Appendice Alla Introduzione Allo Studio della Filosofia Le accuse ch 10 muovo contro le dottrine del sig. Cousin nella mia Introduzione allo studio della filosofia benchè bre vemente espresse essendo gravissime, ragion vuole che siano ben provate. Io mi reputo tanto più in obbligo di farlo che I' illustre Autore negli ultimi suoi scritti protesta altamente di non meritarle. Dichiarazione che ogni lettore assennato accet terebbe tanto più (...)
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    Scritti di filosofia, storia e diritto: Introd. di Ombretta Fumagalli Carulli.Vincenzo Lilla, Gabriella Sava & Antonio Tarantino - 1983 - Milano: A. Giuffrè. Edited by Gabriella Sava & Antonio Tarantino.
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  49.  14
    Tre note al testo dell’epitoma Rei militaris di vegezio.Vincenzo Ortoleva - 2004 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 148 (1):143-167.
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    Le lettere immaginarie di Democrito alla figlia: un invito alla filosofia.Vincenzo Fano - 2018 - Roma: Carocci editore.
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